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Separation and custody

Sometimes the conflicts in a relationship cannot be resolved, and one or both parties decide that it is better to separate. A separation is usually not easy. It causes many kinds of emotions, such as disappointment, uncertainty and bitterness. Sometimes the parties to a separation cannot communicate with each other at all. It is possible to get help in matters related to this situation and, for example, child custody. The website has comprehensive information about divorce in Finland in languages such as Somali and Arabic.   

The separation of the parents also affects the children. Even if the situation is difficult for the parents and even if there are unresolved issues and negative feelings between the parents, both parents should have the best interests of the children in mind. Children have the right to both parents, and they should never be put in a situation where they have to take sides. It is the parents’ duty to ensure that the children’s rights are respected. The website has more information about divorce in families with children in different languages, including Somali and Arabic.

In March 2022, the Finnish Association of Somalis started a three-year Somaliperheen sujuva arki avioeron jälkeen (Somali families’ smooth everyday life after divorce, SAVIOR) project.  

The YouTube channel of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare has a comprehensive video series about divorce in families with children. The video series is available in many different languages, including Finnish, English, Arabic and Somali.