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Domestic violence 

Any kind of violence or threat of violence does not belong in a relationship, and most forms of violence also fit the definition of a crime. Violence means not only physical violence, but also mental, financial, sexual, social and spiritual violence as well as honour-related violence. Conflicts and violence between parents also affect children in many ways. Children must have a safe environment to grow up in, and it is also important for them to have a model for resolving conflicts by non-violent means.  

Physical violence includes things such as hitting, pulling hair, strangling, grabbing and pushing. Physical violence does not always leave visible traces. 

Mental violence includes things such as calling names, subjugating and threatening physical violence. It can lead to fearing the other person’s reaction all the time, and not daring to express one’s own opinions. 

Sexual violence is not only rape, but also being pressured into sexual acts as well as all kinds of acts that violate one’s bodily and sexual self-determination. 

In financial violence, a partner controls the use of the other partner’s money or uses the other’s money without permission. The partner may also prevent the other from working and keep the other from having money. 

Social violence includes things such as controlling free movement and limiting contact with loved ones (friends, relatives). A partner may insist that they must be present everywhere the other partner goes. 

Spiritual or religious violence is physical or mental violence based on religion. A partner may also force the other to follow religious rules or suppress the other’s opinions for reasons related to religion.  

Honour-related violence is most often directed at girls and women. It occurs most often in communities where the honour of the entire family or even the entire clan is defined by the behaviour and decency of individuals. If an individual acts contrary to expectations or assumptions, this is perceived as bringing shame to the whole family. The aim is to prevent this by controlling and punishing. 

Communal violence is directed at a community member by several members of the same community. Communal violence can involve isolation and pressuring, but also mental, religious, physical or honour-related violence. Not everyone in the community necessarily commits violent acts, but neither do they condemn or prevent them, and they may even give them their approval. 

There is help available. Do not get left alone. Parties that can give help:  


Kriisikeskus Monika

Turvakoti Mona




Naisten Linja

Nollalinja (SO, AR, EN)

Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Turvaverkko Helsinki

Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry

Monika-Naiset liitto ry