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Harmful traditions

Sometimes the traditions of one’s own culture are harmful and are forbidden in Finland by law. These include female genital mutilation (FGM), child marriage, forced marriage and honour-related violence. In Finland, the Marriage Act, the Penal Code and the Child Welfare Act protect children, and the authorities have an obligation to report if they suspect a crime.  

You can find a summary on this on the website in languages such as Somali and Arabic.  

Amal ry and the VIGOR project have collaborated to create brochures about FGM for different age groups. Below is a poster aimed at parents. 

The Human Rights League’s brochures to prevent FGM can be found in several different languages. Below are the brochures in Arabic, Somali, Finnish and English. 

A video on talking about female circumcision, made in cooperation between Amal ry, the VIGOR project and the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL):