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Fitting together work and leisure time

In Finland, both parents are encouraged to get an education and work. You can work full-time or part-time. Many parents of small children like to work part-time so that everyday life is not too hectic. However, going to work is considered important in terms of one’s identity. The family’s finances are also better balanced when both parents have an income from work.   

The InfoFinland website has comprehensive information about working in Finland, including employee rights and responsibilities, Finnish work culture and taxation. Information is available in many different languages, e.g. in Somali and Arabic. The website also contains information on combining family life and work (SO, AR).  

Integration centre Monika of the Multicultural Women’s Association Finland (Monika-Naiset liitto ry) helps women who have moved to the country to integrate and look for work.  

In YMCA Helsinki’s Toiminnan avulla työelämään (TAT) project, you can get help with preparing a CV as well as support and advice in everyday matters. The TAT project also offers an opportunity to participate in Finnish language discussion groups at different levels, sports activities and a women’s and mothers’ café. All the activities are free of charge. 

On the website of the From Family Leave to Working Life (Perhevapaalta työelämään) project, you can find a lot of information on combining work and family life as well as on training courses. The site also has videos on different themes.