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About us

This website has been implemented in the joint project UMMA2 (STEA 2022-2024) of Amal ry and Oasis keskussaätiö sr., which is a community-oriented project for girls and family work. The project implements mentoring and group activities for school-aged girls of Muslim and immigrant backgrounds, as well as family coaching, information and community activities for their families. The UMMA2 project especially takes into account the need for religiously and culturally aware activities. In the project, gender-, religion- and culture-sensitive service forms and work methods targeted at girls and families are developed with the authorities and other cooperating parties.

In addition to STEA, the project has received funding from the Alli Paasikivi Foundation, the Pluralism Foundation and the Otto A. Malm donation fund. We thank you for the support we received!

Contact us!

Khadra Aden (FI, EN, SO)
Coordinator of family work
040 8157206

Amira Shroukh (FI, EN)
Coordinator of girl work
045 78326307

Tanja Rajala (FI, EN)
Project manager
045 78347815